Registration Discount Ends Sunday, March 14 For Road Atlanta


Enter the Road Atlanta (March 25-28) event now and receive the early entry discounted price. The discount will end this SundayMarch 14th so enter early. Click on the photo to the left to link to IGT registration. If you have any registration questions please contact or call (770)380-7770.

Road Atlanta Reception at the Lucky Dog Garage

One of our favorite stops in the season is at the ultimate “man cave” across from Road Atlanta, the Lucky Dog Garage. We will again host a reception at the Lucky Dog, which is located just across Hwy 53 from the track’s main entrance, on FRIDAY, MARCH 26 at 5:30pm. Come join us for a bite to eat, something to drink and a look at the latest on display in the Lucky Dog collection of racing and auto memorabilia.

Pirelli Tire Orders

Now is a great time to pre-order your Pirelli tires from Frisby Tire, the sole tire supplier to International GT. Click here to link to the Frisby website and IGT order form or call them at (800)373-7390.


Selling a race car, trailer, equipment, etc? We’ll highlight it in our Marketplace section. This is free to International GT competitors and teams and will run for about 4 email blasts. Just send a photo, description and contact information to

IGT schedule