We’re going to make a change to the opportunity for you to place classified ads with us. Instead of listing them on our website, we are adding an IGT Marketplace to the bottom of our weekly email blasts following the schedule. Launching this new space are long time IGT competitors Randy and Mike Cassling who are selling the Cayman below.
If you are interested in placing an ad, first remember it should be an item that fits into the International GT community, race cars (Porsche, Ferrari, Audi and the like), tires (Pirelli only), racing trailers/rigs, etc. Any IGT driver or team can post to the Marketplace free of charge. If you would like to post an ad, send a photo, short description and contact information to Julie@InternationalGT.net. We’ll have the final decision on whether the item is fit for IGT and let you know when it will be posted. Ads will run 4 weeks or until sold, whichever comes first. If you have any questions call Julie at (770)380-7770.
New Staff Email Addresses
We’re as tired of this pandemic as any of you and we pray that you are all staying safe during this time!
But we’re trying to make the most of our time at home! Finally, we have email addresses for the series and to match our website.
Ken Fengler – Ken@InternationalGT.net
Julie Bentley – Julie@InternationalGT.net
General Inquiries – Info@InternationalGT.net
Don’t forget that we are .net, not .com
Road America
Our annual visit to Road America has been postponed from the planned May date. There is a possibility of rescheduling for a date in August.
We will keep you posted.

Updated 2020 Schedule


JRZ pro suspension, upgraded 997 GT3 brakes, Fuel Safe fuel cell, AIM MXL dash with Smartycam, Motorola radio, Guard LSD, M&M exhaust, transmission cooler, RSS underdrive pulley, A/C delete, TPC sway bars, RSS Tarmac suspension components, 3 sets of wheels (2 BBS, 1 stock) 3.4L DFI engine (330hp), Recaro Hans seat, Sparco wheel, professionally maintained, ready to race in IGT.