We are looking forward to the third event of the 2020 Championship season at Mid Ohio with a record entry of over 30 drivers. Click on the photo above to see the excitement from 2019. Join us for what is sure to be an excellent weekend of racing! To register click on the IGT logo above. If you need any assistance email julie@internationalgt.net or call at 770-380-7770
Updated Mid Ohio Schedule
The final official schedule for the Mid Ohio race has been released. Click on the partial schedule to the left to download the complete updated race schedule.
Mid Ohio Paddock Parking

With a record number of entries and guest groups including IGT, Trans Am, Formula 4 and Triumph feature, there is the expectation of more than 400 cars at Mid Ohio. That’s the good news. The bad news is that paved paddock space is going to be at a premium and not everyone will get some. SVRA will be handling the coordination of paddock parking. We ask that you be patient, polite and understanding of the situation and dealing with ANY personnel related to parking. IGT is estimated to load in shortly after 12:00pm on Wednesday. This will be the most challenging part of the weekend with the best part to come after getting situated. We appreciate and thank everyone for their cooperation.
Virtual Driver’s Meeting for Mid Ohio

The mandatory International GT driver’s meeting for the Mid Ohio race is available now on line by clicking on the photo to the left. All drivers enter in the Mid Ohio event will need to watch the on line driver’s meeting prior to the event. Thanks!
Health Safety Guidelines For Mid Ohio

As we follow the guidelines to control the spread of COVID-19, the Mid Ohio event will NOT be allowing spectators. Additionally as is required in the state of Ohio, each person entering the racetrack will need to complete a 2 page questionnaire and temperatures will be checked. Please be aware that anyone who needs to interact with an SVRA staff member must wear a mask. Masks, sanitized pens and hand sanitizer will all be available at registration. If you’d like to read more on the guidelines in place for the event please click on the mask photo above. Don’t forget, wash your hands and keep your distance.
2020 Schedule
Updated June 4, 2020

If you would like to list anything in the International GT Marketplace, please contact Julie at (770)380-7770 or send your listing to julie@internationalgt.netPlease include a photo, brief description and contact information.