Pirelli Tire Cam Video

Pirelli presents a lap with Stephen Hamman at Daytona International Speedway. This is the “front tire cam.”
Stephen is driving the #72 2017 TLM Racing Porsche GT3 Cup 4.1.
Click on the Pirelli logo to watch the video.
IGT License
Discount Deadline, Jan 10th

Tuesday, January 10th will be the final day to submit the application for a 2023 IGT race license and still receive the discounted price. Starting Jan 11th the price will increase to $450. Click on the photos of the 2023 licenses to link to the application form. Once completed email to Julie@InternationalGT.net. Any questions call (770)380-7770.
2023 Championship Awards Reception

The February Sebring event will also host our annual awards presentation on Friday, Feb 24 at 4:30pm. Help us congratulate and honor our 2022 champions (photo) and special awards winners.
Registration for the 2023 Sebring season opening event is now open. We anticipate that this event will sell out….combine Florida in February, one of the most iconic race circuits in the US and fun, competitive racing – what’s not to like?
Click on the photo of the 2022 awards to link to registration and the provisional event schedule. If you have any questions or need help with registration please contact Julie@internationalGT.net or call (770)380-7770.
Please remember to send in your license application BEFORE registering for any races so that the membership discount will apply to your entry.

Do you have something to sell, looking for something to purchase? Use our Marketplace to promote your race car, transporter or equipment. It’s free to International GT participants.
Pirelli Tire Orders

We are proud to partner with Pirelli Tires as the exclusive provider to all International GT events. All Pirelli tire orders for IGT events must be placed with Frisby Tires. Frisby is at track at all IGT events to service our participants.
Click on the tire photo to link to the Frisby site for IGT orders or call (800)373-7390.
2023 Schedule